PARTNERED POST | How To Travel With A Theme


As typical travellers, we’ll often head to new destinations with nothing really in mind except for exploring this new location. However, you can make your next trip more fun by centring it around a theme. Whether you’ve been to that place before or not, having a theme can help tailor your trip and make it more purposeful. Here’s how to travel with a theme!

Pick A Theme

The world is your oyster, and there are so many themes that you can choose from and make up yourself. It might be a trip to France, and the theme is to explore the history of wine, taking trips to as many wine vineyards and shops as possible. If you’re someone who loves doing something for others, then perhaps teaming up with Global Adventure Challenges is a theme to go with. This is an organization that takes on travel challenges in aid of charities. So you could walk the Great Wall Of China or bike across parts of South India. This can be a truly rewarding experience!

Find A Destination
You need to find a destination after picking your theme, and this is worth researching to see which one links up best to your theme. For example, if your theme is to explore as many historic landmarks as possible, then you’ll want to think about where to go because there are historic landmarks all over the world. Some places will have more than others, like Rome for example, which has over fifty iconic landmarks and monuments. Doing your research is always important before booking your trip so that you understand more about where you’re going if it’s someplace new and what you’ll need to prepare for ahead of time.

Plan Your Trip
Although it’s not necessary to plan your trip from start to finish, as you want a bit of flexibility, it’s good to do a little bit of planning for your trip. From knowing how much currency you’ll need to what you’ll be doing each day. Some opportunities may only be available on certain days, so having some sort of itinerary is good to ensure you don’t forget or miss out on anything. Take advantage of technology and use Google Maps to locate where each bar, restaurant, and tourist spot is so that you can plan your routes more efficiently.

It’s also worth going on forums and asking questions to those who have been to that place before for advice and guidance on what’s best. The more prepped you are, the better experience you’ll get out of it.

Travelling with a theme brings you something different, and it’s certainly worth doing it every so often. Ensure that you decide on a theme first before planning the trip, find a destination that suits you and gives yourself some structure in terms of what you’ll be doing on each day that you’re there. It’ll certainly be a more unique experience and one that you can learn a lot from. So make your next trip a special one by travelling with a theme.

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