VIDEO | 5 Creative Ways To Wear A Twilly


Hi lovely people!
As you can see, the new video post is finally here! I filmed this video while I was still in Croatia this Summer, but I've been so busy with school since I came back to Denmark that I didn't have time to edit the video... I finally managed to do it yesterday, so here it is. If you're following me on social media, especially Instagram, then you already saw that I've been wearing quite a lot of Croata pieces lately. That got me thinking about making some inspirational video with their scarves, but I know there are so many videos on YouTube about how to tie and wear scarves so I gave up. However, later I did a bit of research and realised that there aren't that many videos on how to wear a twilly scarf. It's such a fun scarf, and can be worn in many ways. If you didn't know, many designers (like Hermes) are doing them, so there are plenty of options out there... I just chose 5 ways how to wear a twilly and decided to share it with you, because I thought that maybe you have a twilly at home, and you are only wearing it tied around your neck the whole time... There are some other fun ways to wear it, so check out the video and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for a lot more fashion videos.
xoxo S.
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Kao što možete vidjeti, novi video post je končano tu! Snimila sam ovaj video još ovo ljeto u Hrvatskoj, ali od kada sam došla u natrag u Dansku toliko sam zauzeta sa faksom da nisam imala vremena montirati video... Konačno sam to napravila jučer, te ga sada možete vidjeti. Ako me pratite na društvenim medijima, naročito Instagramu, onda ste vjerojatno već vidjeli da u posljednje vrijeme nosim dosta Croatinih komada. Upravo zbog toga sam počela razmišljati da napravim neki inspirativni video sa maramama, ali znam da na YouTubeu ima toliko video o tome kako svezati i nositi marame da sam odustala. Unatoč tome kasnije sam malo istraživala i došla do zaključka da zapravo i nema baš puno videa o tome kako nositi twilly maramu. To je jako zabavna marama, te se može nositi na mnogo načina. Ako niste znali, mnogi dizajneri (primjerice Heremes) rade twilly marame, tako da postoji mnogo opcija... Ja sam izabrala 5 načina kako nositi twilly te ih odlučila podijeliti s vama jer sam mislila da mnogi možda doma imaju twilly a nose je samo svezanu oko vrata cijelo vrijeme... Postoje i drugi zabavni načini kako ju možete nositi, tako da pogledajte video i ne zaboravite se PRETPLATITI na moj kanal za još puno modnih videa.
xoxo S.

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  1. Looks good!!

    Rachael xox

  2. nice ideas, especially on the bag and if temperatures became more cold you can use it on your neck:

  3. Such a great post, love the different ways you can wear a twilly! Never thought of wearing it as a bracelet :)

    shelley xoxo

  4. Amazing post! You give me a lot of new ideas to wear my twillies!

  5. Lovely ideas!!
    I'm always searching new tips about how to wear my twills!




  6. Twills are such cool accessories! Thank you for this inspiration! <3

  7. Great ideas!

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