Design Your Own Boom Watch


Hello lovely people!
If you are following my blog or my Instagram, then you definitely already know that I'm a big fan of watches. Especially during the last year; I somehow got really into them and now I feel like I want them in so many different colors, materials and styles. Some time ago I already introduced you to BOOM watches - a Swedish company that has become my top choice for high quality affordable watches. Last time I chose their classic rose gold watch, but this time I decided to be more creative.

What's really unique about BOOM watches is that you can actually design your own watch! You can choose everything from the dial to the strap, making sure your watch really suits your style and mood. I decided to take advantage of this option - I chose a silver stainless steel watch with a mint green dial. Perfect combination for Spring/Summer! I'm really enjoying my watch, and I definitely recommend you to check out BOOM watches as well and try out this creative possibility or choose one of their standard designs. 😊
xoxo Sienna
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Ako pratite moj blog ili Instagram, onda definitivno već znate da sam veliki fan satova. Naročito tijekom posljednjih godinu dana; nekako sam ih počela voljeti više nego ikad prije i sada ih želim u raznim bojama, materijalima i stilovima. Prije nekog vremena sam vas već upoznala sa BOOM satovima - švedskom firmom koja je postala moj top izbor kada se radi o kvalitetnim satovim pristupačnima cijenom. Prošli put sam odabrala njihov klasični sat u boji rozog zlata, ali ovaj put sam odlučila biti malo kreativnija.

Ono što je jako posebno kod BOOM satova je da možete sami dizajnirati vlastiti sat! Možete sami izabrati sve od brojčanika do remena, te tako biti sigurni da će sat odgovarati vašem stilu i raspoloženju. Ja sam odlučila iskoristiti ovu opciju - izabrala sam sat u srebrnoj boji od nehrđajućeg čelika sa mint zelenim brojčanikom. Savršena kombinacija za proljeće/ljeto! Ja baš uživam u ovom satu, te definitivno preporučam i vama da pogledate stranicu BOOM satova i isprobate ovu mogućnost ili da izaberete jedan od njihovih klasičnih stilova. 😊
xoxo Sienna

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  1. Rose gold is always a good choice, but I do like this combination as well!

  2. That is absolutely gorgeous !!


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