EVENT - Maison Martin Margiela with H&M exclusive pre-shopping


I attended two cool events last night - the ItGirl event, and Maison Martin Margiela with H&M exclusive pre-shopping. I will talk about the ItGirl event in my next post, because I want to focus on Margiela in this one.
What can I say? This is my favorite collaboration that H&M did so far, but the prices are way too high in my opinion. The materials are really amazing, all wool, viscose, leather, but I still think the prices are too high. I really wanted the black oversized blazer, but when I came it was already gone, so I opted for the midnight blue asymmetrical skirt instead. I absolutely love it! When you touch it, you can feel that it's very high quality, as most of the items in this collection are.
I'm sorry that I don't have more pics, but it was too crowded and crazy to take more pics.
The MMM with H&M collection is available in selected stores worldwide from today. Will you get something?
xoxo S.
Jučer sam bila na dva cool eventa - na ItGirl eventu, i Maison Martin Margiela with H&M ekskluzivnom pre-shoppingu. O ItGirl eventu ću vam pričati u sljedećem postu, jer se u ovom želim fokusirati na Margielu.
Što da vam kažem? Meni je ovo najdraža H&M-ova suradnja do sada, ali su cijene puno previsoke po mom mišljenju. Materijali su stvarno odlični, sve vuna, viskoza, koža, ali svejedno mislim da su previsoke cijene. Jako sam željela crni oversized blejzer, ali kad sam došla više ga nije bilo (kao ni većine stvari), tako da sam se umjesto toga odlučila za tamno plavu asimetričnu suknju. Obožavam ju! Na dodir se osjeti da je materijal visoke kvalitete, kao i većina komada u ovoj kolekciji.
Žao mi je što nemam više slika, ali bilo je preludo i prevelika gužva za više slikanja.
MMM with H&M kolekcija je od danas dostupna u odabranim dućanima u cijelome svijetu. Planirate nabaviti nešto?
xoxo S.


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  1. Pretpostavljam da neću naći ono što sam zamislila. Većina kolekcije mi je odlična, ali iskreno malo mi ove H&M-ovske suradnje izlaze na uši...

  2. Suknja je divna, ali moram se složiti s gornjim komentarom... :)

  3. predivnoca!! ja zelim one cizme dugacke. zelim. zelim. zelim.

  4. everything i like from this collection is way too expensive sadly :) but your skirt is cute,nice choice :)

  5. i meni su čizme super, zapravo to mi se jedino i sviđa u kolekciji, nekako nije baš moj đir... :/

  6. I could wear everything!... Love your blog and you got a new follower on bloglovin, hope we can follow each other ;)

  7. You went to the event? That's awesome! And you buy some cool things!

  8. So cool u got to go!!! They did not have the silver flats at my store :S


    p.s. Don't forget to check my Maison Marting Margiela with H&M GIVEAWAY ^^


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