TREND | Spring 2016 Fashion Mashup


The more I think about it, the more I get to the conclusion that today's fashion is a big mashup of everything you can think of. Have you noticed how in the last couple of years there aren't many styles that are completely out?
If you look at runways and what the designers have been showing during the last couple of seasons, you will see basically everything - 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's.... Even if you just look at the Spring 2016 collections; there are those completely inspired by the 70's, full of suede, big hats and maxi skirts, and then there are those completely inspired by the 90's, with mesh and slip dresses. Floral maxi skirts can be all the rave this Spring bringing the 90's back and becoming a hot Spring fashion trend. On the other hand, floral maxi skirts can also be associated with the 60's/70's and the popular boho style.
Što više razmišljam o tome, to više dolazim do zaključka da je današnja moda jedan veliki mix svega što možete zamisliti. Jeste li zamijetili kako u zadnjih par godina nema puno stilova koji su totalno out?
Aka pogledate revije i što su dizajneri predstavljali zadnjih par sezona, vidjet ćete zapravo svašta - 60-e, 70-e, 80-e, 90-e... Čak i ako pogledate samo kolekcije za proljeće 2016; ima onih potpuno inspiriranih 70-ima, punim brušene kože, velikih šešira i maksi suknji, a ima i onih ispiriranih 90-ima, punih mrežastih materijala i slip haljina Cvjetne maksi suknje su totalno hot ovog proljeća, donoseći natrag i dio grungea 90-ih. S druge strane, svjetne maksi suknje se najviše povezuju sa 60-ima/70-ima i popularnim boho stilom.

On Spring/Summer 2016 runways we also had a chance to see a lot collections that were western inspired, sports inspired, etc. So basically you just have to find the right trend for yourself; something that will be the best fit to your personality and style. 
Have you already found your favorite trend? Tell me what you think...
xoxo Sienna
Na revijama za proljeće/ljeto 2016 smo također imali prilike vidjeti puno kolekcija inspiriranih westernima, sportom, itd. U principu samo trebate pronaći pravi trend za sebe; nešto što će najbolje odgovarati vašoj osobnosti i stilu.
Jeste li već našli svoj najdraži trend? Recite mi što mislite...
xoxo Sienna

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